Kobo Research Permits and Applications

Kobo Resources has been issued two research permits totalling 412.2 km2 and has two pending applications totalling 679 km2 in Côte d’Ivoire, a country with significant exploration potential when compared to its West African neighbours. Kobo’s permits are all underlain by Birimian Group rocks which host the majority of the gold mines in West Africa.

1.    The Kossou Gold Project – Our Flagship Asset

Our flagship asset is the Kossou Gold Project, which is located immediately adjacent to the Yaouré Gold Mine operated by Perseus Mining. Our key targets, namely the Jagger Zone, the Road Cut Zone and the Kadie Zone, are situated with 5 to 7 kilometers of the Yaouré Gold Mine and process facility and are connected by excellent road infrastructure. Exploration efforts to date have outlined over 9 kilometers of strong gold geochemical anomalies supported by 5,900 m of RC drilling and 5,400 m of trenching in 2023 and has completed 4,368 m of diamond drilling to date in 2024. Mineralisation and alteration styles at the Kossou Gold Project are similar to that at the nearby Yaouré Gold Mine.

2.    Bongouanou Area Permits and Applications

Kobo also has one research permit in the Bongouanou area, the Kotobi Research Permit, located about 1.5-hour drive east of Yamoussoukro. Kotobi covers approximately 302 km2 and the area is underlain by Birimian Group rocks. Very little modern exploration has been carried out in the district, but there is significant artisanal gold mining in the region. Additional soil geochemical, magnetic interpretation, geological mapping, satellite imagery, and AI work is planned for 2024 at Kotobi. 

In addition, the Company also has two pending research permits (Bocanda North – 341 km2, Bocanda South – 338 km2) totaling 679 km2.