Bongouanou Area Project

Kotobi Research Permit

2024 Objective 

Kotobi is considered in second rank to the business objectives of Kobo given its current stage of development. The Company will initiate a soil geochemical survey and a geological exploration program on the Kotobi research permit to determine targets of significance in 2024.

  • 2023 UAV magnetic survey: 1,565 line kms, 200 m spaced lines (Magnetic data interpretation completed)
  • The strong northeast-southwest fabric that is similar to the dominant lineaments associated with most West African gold deposits is clearly visible
  • A soil geochemistry program was conducted in 2020 with 2,800 samples taken resulted in numerous anomalies that are the target of upcoming exploration plans
  • Recent significant artisanal gold mining on northern portion of property

At Kotobi, government regional airborne geophysical surveys suggest a structurally complex region. The strong northeast-southwest fabric that is similar to the dominant lineaments associated with most West African gold deposits is clearly visible. A soil geochemistry program was conducted in 2020 with 2800 samples taken resulted in numerous anomalies that the Company will follow up as part of its exploration efforts on the Kotobi Permit in 2024. 

On April 24, 2019, the Kotobi Research Permit was awarded to Kobo Resources. The permit is located within the Birimian Dimbokro-Abengourou Belt, Boaulé-Mossi domain. It is located in the administrative departments of Arrah, Bongouanou and Daoukro and covers 301.75 km2 of prospective Birimian host rocks. Kotobi forms the basis of the Bongouanou Area Project. The Kotobi permit is issued for four years and is renewable for two consecutive three years term with an additional possible two years term. 

Surface Mining in the Bongouanou region

Typical artisanal mining sites of the region illustrated below. Local gold miners dig shallow pits, generally less than 2 meters in depth, and use handheld metal detectors to locate vein hosted gold.  The material is then crushed, and gold is recovered using panning techniques or other methods of collection.

Click on the pictures to enlarge

Quartz veins near Bocanda:

Click on the picture to enlarge